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Clearing the path to healthier habits

A data driven platform to make healthy choices easier.

Let Your Wearable Take Your Health to The Next Level

Sherpa helps clear the way to healthier habits with advice that is easy to understand, action that seems natural and achievement that is rewarded

Tailored Insights, Automatic Tracking 

Instead of relying on rigid schedules or 'must-do' activities, Sherpa analyzes how your body moves throughout the day, and builds suggestions that seem like natural activites, using a powerful Cloud-Based AI Engine

Versatility in Application

Health Goals are personal, Sherpa can help you build habits that achieve functional health goes that are more holistic than simple numbers like weight

Multi-Focused Optionality 

Your life is dynamic, so Sherpa uses multiple levers to understand what combination of items can help you best achieve your goal

A Community That Rewards Change

You wellness journey does not does not have to be a lonely one, community features and vendor-partners help motivate and reward your transformation.

Keep It Simple. 
Keep it Focused.
Keep it Going. 

​The Sherpa Platform :

Imagine a revolutionary health platform that harnesses the power of subtle nudges to transform your well-being. This cutting-edge platform is meticulously designed to integrate seamlessly into your daily life, employing a blend of behavioral psychology and technology. It delivers personalized, gentle reminders and suggestions tailored to your unique health goals and lifestyle preferences. Whether it's a prompt to drink more water, take a brisk walk, or order a healthy dinner if the gym isn't happening, each nudge is crafted to feel like a friendly tap on the shoulder rather than an overwhelming demand.


This innovative approach makes healthy living less daunting and more attainable, encouraging small, consistent steps towards a healthier, happier you. With its intuitive design and empathetic tone, this platform is not just a tool, but a compassionate companion on your journey to wellness.


A Problem Worth Solving 


Spent on diseases that that have lifestyle risk factors


Diets that the Average American will try during their lifetime


Of people will keep weight off after 12 months 


The last year that US Life Expectancy Increased 


Of People would like to make healthier choices but struggle to 

Our Approach




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