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Accelerate Your Goals.
Elevate Your Life.

 Results. Not Routine.

Holistic Focus 

Routines are great, but in our experience, life moves too quickly to sustain routines indefinetely. Our "daily routine" is often ever changing, requiring us to be adapatble. 
Sherpa's holisitic focus makes healthier choices part of YOUR existing routines, and focuses on multiple levers of diet, daily activity and fitness to develop a set of habits that work WITH the way you live your life. 

Meaningful Metrics

too many platforms focus on a single metrics. Sherpa focuses on a group of metrics that will meet your goals. It can combine or substitute these as needed to ensure that you have the smoothest possible path to the results you are looking for, in a way that will sustain those gains over time. 

Flexible Goals

We often have mulitple goals, both of which are important. Other platforms make you choose absolute goals that become your focus, trading one level of wellness for another. Sherpa's flexible and modular framework allows you for instance: Train for your race, while also making sure you maintaining healthy habits of standing and movement at work. 

Tangible Rewards

Wellness needs to transform all areas of your life. Goals for the sake of goals will not increase motivation. Sherpa is building a network of partners that support healthy choices and can provide tanigble benefits to people aligned with their brand's value and mission. 


*Coming Soon 

Many Paths.
One Goal.

The path to sustainable wellness is not a straight line. Sherpa's features work together to help clear the path, and ensure you can reach your goals with a minimum of disruption to the life you want to live. 

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